


Wonderful wonderful dukkah. Originally from Egypt, it is basically a topping made from nuts, spices and seeds. You can basically sprinkle it on just over about anything. It is delicious with ravioli or my comfort favourite, an easy cheesy toasty with avocado and bacon. Or let me tell you the magical marriage that this makes for breakfast when added to eggs, cooked tomatoes and bread. Or with roasted beetroot and feta, anyways I digress….

Dukkah is very much a family recipe and there is no right way of doing it. Some add sumac, mint and thyme (NYT), Macadamia nuts and chia seeds, or sunflower seeds (Ottolenghi).

From the kitchen, the basic ingredients are:

  • Nuts – any of these will do: hazelnuts, almonds, pistachios, cashews, pine nuts, macadamia nuts
  • Sesame seeds
  • Coriander seeds
  •  Cumin seeds

Optional Addition:

Dried chickpeas
Dried herbs – marjoram, mint, thyme
Dried lemon zest
Hot pepper – red pepper flakes, chili powder
Pepper – freshly ground or whole peppercorns
Seeds – caraway, fennel, nigella
Spices – baharat, cinnamon, clove, turmeric

And anything you can really think of in terms of spices and seeds.

I unfortunately lost my old Dukkah recipe so here is my now new one.


  • 75 grams sesame seeds
  • 150 grams of nuts (I used hazel and almonds)
  • 1 tsp sumac
  • 1/2 tsp sage
  • 1/2 tsp tumeric
  • 1/4 tsp fenugreek
  • 1 Tbsp Coriander
  • 1 Tbsp cumin
  • 1 Tbsp fennel
  • 1 Tbsp caraway seed



  1. Roast the nuts, and seeds separately.
  2. Lightly grind the seeds and spices together. I use an electric grinder (i.e. my cleaned out coffee grinder) for less than a minute and separately grind the nuts. I also don’t grind the sesame seeds (this is a personal preference, it adds a bit more texture). Don’t over grind or  it will just turn to paste.
  3. Mix everything together and keep it in an airtight jar.

Enjoy! I have personally just given in to basically sprinkling it over just about everything. I think I might try a bit of cloves next time. As you can see it went into the celeriac and apple soup as well as the on some cheesy sourdough thyme bread toasty.
